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RWWA Celebrates 20 Years, We Chat to Steve Parnham, Highs & Lows, Brett Pope’s Return to Form, TABtouch Socials

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Britt, Lochie and Alex talk the 20 years of Racing and Wagering WA, the advancements and investment that have been made. As well as asking, what were you doing 20 years ago?

The team chat to Steven Parnham about his European holiday ahead of his return to riding at Belmont Park.

Highs + Lows replaces Winners + Losers as we revel in what we’ve seen over the past week.

We cover Graeme Hammarquist’s Carnarvon domination, the new Bunbury track, Port Hedland Cup day and Alex is impressed by an up-and-coming hoop.

The team discuss Brett Pope’s story of his move to new stables, which was told on the TABtouch socials this week.

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