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Tipping Comp Week One Winner Scott Gaebler, Placid Ark Day, It’s Railway Week, Al’s Algorithm, Getting To Know Tommy Berry

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The Races WA Podcast’s Tipping Competition began with a bang, with over 1500 people vying for the first of 7 weekly $500 Food and Beverage Vouchers. It was Scott Gaebler who came out on top and we caught up with him on the show.

Plenty happened on Placid Ark day at Ascot on Saturday and the crew give their take on proceedings as well as pose the question, is it time for night racing in WA?

Alex has done the math, he’s gone over the statistics, completed the calculations and come up with the winner for the Railway Stakes.

We get to know one of Australia’s leading riders Tommy Berry, who will be in Perth to ride Railway fancy Roots on Saturday.

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